TELEPHONE: +386 51 253 870
Tax ID SI: 13092073
Registration number: 3586707000
IBAN SI56 0420 2000 1590 155 NOVA KBM d.d.

Founder: Slanič Luka
Company: POTENCA, transport activities, consulting, trade and serices, d.o.o.
SKD: H52.290 – Forwarding and other accompanying tranport activities



Business Unit Maribor - SLOVENIJA

Cesta k Tamu 6, 2000 Maribor


Business Unit Zagreb - HRVAŠKA

Savska cesta 84, 10360 Sesvete

Innovative solutions

No matter whether you want to transport salmon from Norway, or microchips from Sweden, fruit from Spain, we have the expertise and experience to ensure that it is done correctly.

We create innovative solutions and as a logistics company, we provide services that are cost-effective and sustainable at the same time.

Our mission is to find excellent answers to your logistical questions.

Write us